Welcome to my Website. Please read this important Disclaimer.
By remaining on this website, purchasing products or services and using this information, you are representing that you have read, understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer. The information provided on this website is intended to inform you about the stress reduction technique Emotional Freedom Techniques, also known as EFT and Tapping, and about how, as a coach, I use this technique to remove barriers to your identified goals.
You can learn about the history and evolution of this technique and learn about EFT research studies in many books on the topic (See particularly authors: Dawson Church, Gary Craig, Fred Gallo and David Feinstein). Research is compiled at https://www.efttappingtraining.com/eft-research/ and https://eftinternational.org/discover-eft-tapping/eft-science-research/, along with the book Science of Tapping by Dr. Peta Stapleton (found on Amazon) and the Science of Tapping (https://www.scienceoftapping.org/ .
The information on this website also intends to inform you about Emotional Scrupulosity which includes doubt, unbelief and difficulty making decisions. The person with emotional scrupulosity experiences the same intensity of obsessions and compulsions as a person labeled OCD. Often the compulsions take on a religious theme. The information I share is from a Biblical Worldview based upon my dissertation research. Scrupulosity: An Analysis of Early Christian Writings in Relation to the Construct Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the Division of Biblical Counseling in Candidacy for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counseling by Janet K. Cook. Scrupulosity is also known as the doubting disease and it has been suggested by researchers that OCD and scrupulosity are related.
The owners of this website and any related parties, including heirs, personal representatives, consultants, employees, and assigns and any other parties related to the owners or any contributors to this website (“Owners and Related Parties”): 1. Are not licensed in any state to provide medical or psychological services of any kind; 2. Do not intend to offer professional advice or services, or medical or psychological advice of any kind; 3. Do not intend for any information provided here to be used as medical or psychological or other advice; 4. Do not recommend treatment or programs; 5. Do not guarantee or intend to guarantee, express or implied, the efficacy of any techniques discussed here, the accuracy of information provided or the suitability of techniques for anyone’s use and 6. Recommend that you contact your physician, psychologist, psychiatrist or other licensed health care professional before utilizing any techniques introduced here or elsewhere. Additionally, the website Owners and Related Parties: 1. Do not intend to enter into a professional relationship with website users; 2. Do not intend for any information here, including testimonials, to serve as an express or an implied guarantee; and 3. Do not intend to endorse, support or recommend any parties or services discussed on this website. Regardless of words used on the website, Owners and Related Parties do not intend to Treat, Diagnose, Cure, Heal, Prevent, Mitigate any diseases or conditions or prescribe treatments for any condition. The use of the information and links on this website is at your own risk.