Welcome to Healing Streams Center. Our mission is to help you restore the foundations of your life.
Dr. Janet is one of the leading Christian Counselors in her field of caring for souls and renewing the mind. She has over 25 years of counseling experience as a “Soul Physician”. She specializes in helping people restore balance and stability in their lives by identifying distorted thinking patterns and helping them establish new patterns based upon the truth. This process requires the removal of emotional clutter and mental blocks that are keeping the person from finding inner peace.
Dr. Janet specializes in helping people discover their personal purpose. She is the author of the course, Discovering Your Personal Purpose. Whether you have just began your search or are in a stage of life that you need to find answers to the question “What Now?” Call and discuss your needs and concerns with her. There is no charge for a consultation call.
Are you dealing with anxious feelings or some other mental distress? Dr. Janet is a Certified Clinical Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practitioner with EFT Universe. This is an evidence based method used to release negative energy. A simple way to define emotions is that they are energy in motion. EFT, also know as tapping, helps to move negative energy and find relief.
Dr. Janet is a Board Certified Pastoral Counselor with the American Association of Christian Counselors. She is a Certified Behavioral Consultant, and Licensed to administer the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Taylor Johnson Temperament Analysis and the DISC Behavioral Profiles from the Institute of Motivational Living. Dr. Janet is a Professional Life Coach as well as a Mental Health Coach. She is trained to spiritually guide a person step by step through the renewing processes of their mind.
Dr. Janet is available for counseling sessions in person, on the phone or Zoom. Please email janet@drjanetcook.com or call or text Healing Streams Center at 574-304-5949 for an appointment.